How to Pick a Plumber When You Need a Plumbing Repair in Jacksonville, FL

by | Oct 16, 2013 | Plumbing

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Do you have a plumbing problem that you can’t seem to fix? If so, it’s important to get durable Plumbing repair in Jacksonville, FL by selecting a reputable plumbing contractor. There are some guidelines to consider when choosing a plumber. These tips should be a starting point in choosing a plumber, and not the final factor. You will need to formulate a list of questions to ask each plumber you interview. Write down all your questions before you call each plumber so you won’t forget to ask anything. Call to arrange a specific time to interview a plumber. During the interview, jot down answers so you can refer to them later.

The following are some questions to ask a plumber during an interview, followed by an explanation of their significance.

Are you licensed?

Many people don’t realize that some states make it a law that a plumber has to be licensed to legally conduct business. Other states make this an option. Ask the plumber you are questions if he is licensed. Politely ask him for his license number so you can verify it with the state agency in charge of professional licensing. You may be able to do this online. If you can’t, you can at least get contact information so you can do it over the phone. Being licensed often entails taking tests, adhering to certain business practices, and even taking continuing education classes.

Are you insured?

This is one of the most vital questions to ask. A reputable plumber should carry a minimal level of insurance including workers’ compensation and general liability. This can keep you from being held liable in case a worker is injured while working on your plumbing. You can view the certificate of insurance to verify the existence of coverage.

Can you provide references?

Don’t hesitate to ask this. A plumber that performs solid Plumbing repair in Jacksonville, FL services should be proud to give you an approved list of customers to call. Politely ask these people about the customer service and workmanship they received.

Once you have gained insight by asking the above-suggested queries, you can make use sound judgment to make a decision on who you want to do business with.

For plumbing customer service support call American Plumbing Contractors.

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