To save some money, many people prefer packing for a move on their own. Although they might take advantage of Tulsa Moving Services for the actual move, by packing on their own they can start the process well ahead of time to ensure everything is ready for the big day and everything is organized exactly how they want it to be.
* Designate an Area for Moving Boxes. There should be one area in the home or a whole room; that’s designated as the space to keep all ready-to-go moving boxes. This helps keep everything organized to ensure nothing is misplaced during the move and to ensure the boxes aren’t in the way of everyday living before the moving day.
* Pack Rarely-Used Belongings First. Anything that is only used seasonally, like holiday decorations or things that are never used, can be packed well ahead of the move. Since they won’t be needed before the big day, they can be packed and out of the way so the person can easily see what else is ready to be packed.
* Organize the Boxes in the Designated Area. The items that aren’t going to be needed before or shortly after the move should be in the back with the things they will need as soon as they move in the front. Doing this means the items that are used the most will be packed first in the truck and unpacked last, so they’re in front of boxes of items that won’t be needed quickly after the move.
* Clearly Mark All Boxes With Type of Contents or Room. All boxes should be clearly labeled to ensure the person knows what’s in each box after the move without having to dig through all of them to find what they need. This also helps ensure the boxes are placed in the right room after the move.
By following these basic tips, it’s easy for a person to start packing even a few weeks before the big move. The further ahead of time a person starts, the easier it will be the last few days before the move. If a person doesn’t wish to pack on their own, though, they can always have the Tulsa Moving Services do this for them to help ensure everything is packed properly and ready to go. Visit to learn more today.