How Old are Listeners of Christian Music Radio in Albany?

by | Dec 6, 2018 | business services

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Many people have stereotypes of how old they think those who listen to Christian music radio in Albany are. However, some recent studies have blown some of those misconceptions out of the water. At the same time, it has substantiated a few preconceived ideas as well.

The Age Curve of Listeners of Christian Music Radio in Albany

Most think the audience age curve of radio format listeners might simply be a bulge in the middle. However, Christian radio surprised everyone by having two bubbles instead of one. It’s an interesting study when you look at the ages it doesn’t seem to attract at all.

It’s no surprise Christian Music Radio in Albany doesn’t mix with the younger, 18 to 24-year-old crowds. But the number of listeners between the ages of 25 to 34 are quite large. It’s also not surprising to learn the bulk of those who listen to this genre are between the ages of 45 to 59 with barely any listeners between the ages of 35 and 44. Christian radio comes in at fifth out of all 17 major radio formats used to reach listeners from 45 to 59. After people reach the age of 60 the trends show they do not listen as much. This refutes the concept of only older generations having a preference for the Christian music genre.

Advertising to the Radio Audience

As a general rule, Christian radio ranks at nearly 10% above the national average for playing to the 25 to 54 audience. That’s a pretty good indication of where they will aim marketing efforts. Christian music and radio are well-established in the mainstream of the US. They can reach an audience lying just about in the middle of what is considered the prime advertiser’s target market. Visit the Hope 1079 website to see what they have to offer.

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