How a Social Security Attorney in Chicago Can Help Your Case

by | Mar 19, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Speaking statistically, a large number of Social Security Disability, as well as SSI claims are initially denied at both the claim and the reconsideration levels. This will usually happen no matter if a person has representation from a Social Security attorney in Chicago. Due to this, the majority of Social Security claims will have to be seen at a hearing before an administrative law judge. This has to be done prior to a person receiving their benefits.

While there are no guarantees that a Social Security attorney in Chicago will be able to help you win your case, they can offer you the skills, know-how and ability to ensure that your case is properly developed before your actual hearing date.

Developing Your Disability Case

The simple fact of the matter is that the majority of people making a claim for Social Security Benefits will have no real idea of the proper way to go about getting them, or preparing for a disability hearing. When you hire legal representation; however, they will have a large amount of expertise and familiarity with the regulations and rules of Social Security. This will provide you with a person that is not only properly developing your case, but who is also looking out for your best interest.

When you hire a disability attorney for your situation, they should work on what is known as a contingency fee basis. This means that you will only have to pay for their services then you receive your benefits.

The basic services that are offered from attorneys offering this representation includes: obtaining relevant medical documentation; gathering statements from the person’s physicians; and applying a comprehensive understanding of the regulations issued by the SSA prior to the ruling on a case being made.

While it is not required by law that you have legal representation to seek Social Security benefits, it is highly recommended that you do so to expedite your particular case. Your attorney will be looking out for your rights and interests, ensuring that you are provided with the compensation that is necessary to ensure that you are taken care of now, as well as in the future. Browse for more information.

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