How a DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia Can Help You Beat a DUI

by | Mar 23, 2015 | Lawyers

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You’ve been arrested for DWI or DUI in West Virginia, and you want to know what you should do now. Many individuals believe there is no way to beat this charge and they must accept the consequences. This isn’t the case however. You need to contact a DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs WV right away. There are a number of ways they can help you fight this charge. Following are just a few of the defenses they may use.

The attorney may clam that you were illegally stopped. The officer must have a articulate and valid reason for pulling you over. If they do not believe one or more laws have been violated, they have to let you go. The same is true of a seizure. A person may only be arrested when a violation has taken place.

You are allowed by law to weave within a traffic lane in the state of West Virginia as your DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs WV will explain. It’s only when you cross a line that you may be pulled over for a possible DUI. If the officer cannot prove you were weaving outside of a traffic lane, he or she can’t stop you.

The field tests used during your traffic stop must be standardized. For instance, the officer cannot arrest you simply because you can’t count backwards. If he or she does, the arrest is invalid and you may walk free. He or she must use other standardized tests before conducting the arrest.

Experts have consistently shown that one breath test isn’t sufficient for a DUI arrest. Your DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs WV will look to see if more than one test was conducted to obtain an accurate BAC. In fact, studies have show that the test may be off by as much as 12.5 percent or that the test may not be specific for ethanol. The average driver does not know this, however, and therefore cannot use it as part of their defense.

These are only a few examples of ways a DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs WV will defend you against these charges. He or she has numerous other ways to do so. Contact an attorney today to assist you in fighting your DUI charge. With his or her help, you just may find that you beat the charge completely.

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