Here’s How a Funeral Company Can Help You Host a Catholic Funeral: Whether They are Catholic Business or Not

by | Jul 1, 2024 | Cremation Service

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Hosting a Catholic funeral service does not require a Catholic funeral home. There are many ways your local funeral company in San Pablo can help you create a beautiful service, whether their business is faith-based or not.

Liturgical Support

While Catholic funeral homes are the only ones who are sure to provide the kind of spiritual services and scriptural readings you need for your loved one’s service, any funeral home can assist you in securing these. By partnering with local providers, they can ensure that the music, readings, and services given are in line with what your family and faith require.

Memorial Displays

Creating a memorial display is not something most people do frequently, so knowing how to set it up can be confusing. If you do not know how to or do not feel up to creating a display, talk to your funeral home staff. They can receive the items you want to display and arrange them tastefully to make a beautiful, meaningful display.

Arranging Future Memorial Events

Many Catholic families host separate services for their fellow faithful and their close friends and family outside the church. If this is your family’s plan, your local funeral home can help. No matter how many services or celebrations you need, they can help you arrange and coordinate them.

Grief Support

The grieving process does not end when the funeral service or memorial celebrations do. Dealing with grief can be difficult, even in the context of the Catholic faith. If you and your family are continuing to struggle with the many emotions of grief and loss, consider working with the staff of your local funeral home to find support services. If they do not offer these services in-house or through their own organization, they are likely to partner with organizations that do.

Follow-Up Tasks

Finally, any good funeral company in San Pablo will offer follow-up services to help your family as they continue to heal from their loss. This does not just include grief support but also assistance with understanding legal matters surrounding death, sorting out unpaid debts, and following up with third-party providers once all services have ended. This can make the days and weeks after your loved one’s passing easier for you, so your family can focus on what really matters.

To learn more contact St. Joseph Cemetery & Funeral Center today.

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