Guide to Radon Problems for Home Sellers

by | Jun 1, 2017 | Business

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Planning to sell your home? Don’t forget to perform a radon gas testing first. Here’s why:

Health concerns

Exposure to abnormally high radon levels could cause lung cancer. Knowing the risks and dangers brought on by exposure to the gas, it’s only right that potential buyers know what they’re getting into when they put an offer for your property.

Possible fixes

Once the property has tested positive for high radon levels, you are duty-bound to inform any potential buyer. If you don’t want to put up with the costs and hassle of installing a mitigation system, you could lower your asking price if your buyers will cover the installation costs instead.

A bit of background

According to the Journal, these days, only about 5% of private homes test for radon with many living in complete and utter ignorance of the problem. Given the way the radon gas can lead to health problems and complications, a lot of home owners are at considerable risk. With no visible signs to point to the presence of radon gas in a home, many might discover the presence of radon gas only when it’s too late.

It’s preventable

While the thought of radon gas exposure is worrisome, one thing is clear: those problems are preventable. Taking the right set of measures will ensure the home you plan to sell is radon-free.

It’s on you

It will fall on you to do your part and conduct radon gas testing to see if the property has unsafe radon levels or not. When potential buyers ask about those radon levels, you won’t have to worry. You’ll already have that information on hand. Don’t forget to hire a professional to handle the nitty-gritty details of the test if you want to make sure the instructions are done right.

For more help and to schedule an appointment, contact the professionals at S.W.A.T. Environmental.

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