General Dentistry In Pittsburgh Can Help Improve Your Dental Health And Your Smile

by | Oct 6, 2014 | Dentistry

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Dentistry is important to help you maintain good overall health beyond dental health. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are essential to maintaining oral health and the health of the rest of your body. Medical science has discovered that inflammation from gum disease can cause many other physical problems. Neglecting dental care will allow cavities to form and grow which are unsightly and unhealthy. Many cavities can be prevented by proper dental care and regular cleaning. Cavities that exist can be cared for by the dentist before they become major problems. Dentistry has progressed to the point of improving your smile, teeth alignment, and providing implants where your smile is missing teeth.

Teeth whitening has helped many people feel better about themselves because they have a smile they are not ashamed of. Porcelain Veneers can be applied to a discolored tooth to make it look like your other teeth. Dental science can fix other unsightly problems also. Caps can be made to cover unsightly teeth. Crowns are a traditional technique for fixing chipped teeth or damaged teeth which are visible. General dentistry Pittsburgh area is able to perform all of these special procedures. There are other procedures which can make a difference in a person’s dental health and their smile.

Orthodontics can help adults as well as children. Straightening teeth that have grown in crooked is a real benefit to people because it gives their mouth a beautiful look. Replacing a missing tooth or teeth is now commonplace by using implants.

The traditional radiograph x-rays are being replaced by digital X-rays. Digital X-rays can look at the bone below the teeth to determine what the bone level of support is and the health of the bone. This x-ray procedure is needed to determine if implants will have a solid bone structure to attach to.

General Dentistry in Highlands Ranch has developed a good relationship with its patients based on a high level of experienced care. Family dentistry is a specialty of this practice. Children are not fearful about coming to the dentist. Many years ago the child’s fear was not a major concern, but it is now recognized as requiring special attention and unique approaches to the child’s dental problems.

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