Frequently Asked Questions About The Removal Of Wisdom Teeth In Southfield

by | Dec 1, 2014 | Dentistry

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If you have a toothache in the back corner of your mouth, it’s most likely due to a painful wisdom tooth. Wisdom teeth often develop sideways in your mouth and they press against your other teeth, which causes pain. When you need to have a tooth extracted, contact a dentist who removes Wisdom Teeth in Southfield. Below you’ll find frequently asked questions about wisdom teeth.

Q.) Will a dentist be able to pull out the wisdom tooth or will the tooth have to be cut out?

A.) This all depends on the location of the tooth that needs to be pulled. If the tooth is through your gums and the dentist can get a grip on the tooth, it can be pulled out. If the tooth hasn’t broken though your gums or if the tooth is growing sideways, your dentist will have to surgically remove the tooth. After taking x-rays of your mouth, a dentist can determine exactly where the tooth is positioned in your mouth before removing the tooth.

Q.) Do wisdom teeth still need to be removed even if they aren’t causing any pain?

A.) If your wisdom teeth have erupted properly and they aren’t painful, you shouldn’t have to get them removed. After examining your wisdom teeth and taking x-rays, your dentist will determine if you should have them removed or not.

Q.) What is the recovery process after having wisdom teeth removed?

A.) For the first couple of days after having a dentist extract your Wisdom Teeth in Southfield, your mouth and jaw will be swollen. You can place ice packs on the outside of your jaw to help with pain and swelling. Don’t do any exercise or strenuous activities for the first 24 hours after having your wisdom teeth removed. For the rest of the day after the procedure is done, rest in a chair or in a bed. Eat soft foods for the first day and as your mouth begins to heal, you’ll be able to eat solid foods.

Making Beautiful Smiles of Southfield is a family dental clinic that specializes in preventative dental care, restorative procedures, extractions, dental implants, emergency care and dentures.

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