Five Tips For Cleaning Your Student Living Apartments on Your Own

by | May 2, 2024 | Student Housing Center

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Living alone means you are responsible for cleaning and organizing your student living apartments in Tuscaloosa. Fortunately, you can easily maintain your space without extra hands on deck.

1. Create a Cleaning Schedule

The first step is to create a cleaning schedule that works for you. You need to keep your school and work schedule in mind. It is also important to allow time for relaxing, self-care, and extra studying.

2. One Space at a Time

Once you are ready to get started, tackle one space at a time. This keeps you from feeling overwhelmed and avoiding the task altogether. One idea is to start with the main areas and work your way to the more private spaces.

3. Declutter Your Belongings

Set aside time to sort through your belongings, and create separate piles for items you are donating, selling, and discarding. Be sure to toss out expired items such as food, medication, and toiletries.

4. Start Cleaning Your Space

How much you clean during each session depends on your schedule. If you are cleaning between classes, focus on areas such as the counter, coffee table, and seating. When you have more time, take care of the corners, closets, and shower.

5. Organize Your Apartment

Organize your apartment in a way that works for you, such as alphabetical textbooks or categorized ingredients. If you notice any stray items while walking through your apartment, put them away as soon as possible.

Are you thinking of moving into student living apartments in Tuscaloosa next semester? Lark Tuscaloosa is full of comfortable apartments, amazing amenities, and friendly faces. Learn more about this student community by visiting

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