Does The Roof Need Some Roofing Repair

by | Nov 16, 2015 | Roofing

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Although a roof may look okay from the ground level, there’s a good chance that it has incurred some damage from either the extreme summer heat or hail storms. If it hasn’t been checked since before the last winter, now is a good time to have the roof checked for any damage before the winter returns. Water will always find the path of least resistance. The easiest resistance could be under the shingles and into the home. If the attic isn’t insulated properly, the heat from the home will reach the roof and melt the snow. This water may move as far as the snow pack that is on the edge of the roof. This water can build up under the shingles and freeze.

An inspection of the roof by a roofing company is important before the first snow remains on the roof. After an inspection, the roofing company may recommend roofing repair be performed to secure the shingles to the roof and determine if there are any soft spots in the roof. The weight of the snow during the winter can result in a roof caving in that is weak. Leaving a home vulnerable to this type of damage during the winter is dangerous. Roofing companies offer free estimates of repairs that need to be performed on a roof. That way there is no surprises once the job is complete.

Hail can leave dents in the shingles which destroy the UV protection on shingles. Once a trained roofer is on the roof checking on any roofing repair that needs to be performed, they can determine if the UV protection is gone. When the granular pellets from the shingles are filling up the gutters, there’s a good chance the roof is deteriorating rapidly. A roofing company can determine what is causing the granular loss. It could be from damage to the outer roof or could have something to do with the ventilation within the home.

Be ready for the heavy winter snow, frigid temps and blowing winds this winter.

Click here for more information.

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