Do You Have A Regular Roofing Contractor In Orange Park, FL?

by | Jan 23, 2015 | Roofing

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People choose to move to Florida because they believe that the climate there will be more conducive to their comfort – especially during their retirement years. As a generalization, this is a reasonably correct point of view – it might get chilly during a Florida winter but, despite the “Great Freeze” of 1894–95 that wiped out the orange orchards that gave Orange Park its name, the thermometer rarely goes more than slightly below zero for very long.

But, what you can get is stormy weather. Short spells of torrential rain are common during the regular summer thunderstorms and this means that you really do need a good roof over your head. The area around Orange Park has experienced less hurricane damage than other parts of Florida but the threat is real. So far, the strongest recorded hurricane was Dora in 1964 (a strong Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale). Other storms, like Floyd (1999); Frances, Jeanne & Bonnie (2004); Fay (2008) and Beryl in 2012 have caused varying degrees of damage around the Jacksonville and Orange Park areas. Roofs do get damaged and blown off during hurricanes so there is always a need for a good roofing contractor around Orange Park, FL.

Where Hurricanes Are A Near Certainty –Take Precautions

Even a well maintained roof can be severely damaged should a large tree be blown down onto it but hurricane and thunderstorm damage need not always be catastrophic. What is certain is that a poorly maintained roof is more likely to sustain damage than one that has been inspected, maintained and repaired on a regular basis. Any loose shingles are bound to be lifted and blown off by strong winds and the same applies to other roofing parts. Do not wait for the winds to blow, find yourself a reliable roofing contractor for Orange Park, FL and retain his services for at least an annual inspection and report.

Emergency Call Out

Another advantage of being known to a roofing contractor in Orange Park, FL is that; in the worst case scenario, after the storm has passed and your roof did get damaged; you not only know exactly who to call; but, the contractor will already know your location and the type and pre-storm condition of your roof. The wind may have dropped but, it might still be raining – how long do you want to wait for the hole in your roof to be fixed?

With more than 25 years of experience, the firm of Keith Stern Roofing has to be a wise choice as your roofing contractor for Orange Park, FL. Visit us website to know more.

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