Do Dash Cams in San Francisco Really Make a Difference?

by | Nov 27, 2014 | Business

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There is a lot of talk about the use of Dash Cams in San Francisco and other areas of the country. Once considered a feature that was only for law enforcement vehicles, portable cameras that mount easily on the dash or the windshield of a vehicle have become increasingly popular. Here are some reasons why investing in this type of equipment makes sense. Visit website for more details.

Security Measure

The design of Dash Cams in San Francisco makes them ideal as an added level of security for the vehicle. Since the cameras will capture any activity that occurs around the vehicle, it can serve as a deterrent to anyone who may attempt to break into the vehicle. Between the vehicular security system that alerts officials a break in is underway and the visual images captured by the camera, the chances of apprehending the culprit are very good.

Evidence About an Accident Should the vehicle be involved in any type of traffic accident, the Dash cam will provide a good idea of what the driver saw up to the time of the impact. This is important, since it can often go a long way toward determining who may be at fault for the accident. For example, if the footage from the camera clearly shows the other driver scrambling to hide the fact he or she was talking on a mobile phone while making an ill-fated turn into traffic, that will certainly go a long way in settling how the accident happened. Insurance Benefits An increasing number of auto insurance providers are recognizing the value of having dash cams on board. As a result, they offer some incentives for their clients to purchase and install the cameras. Even if the camera is never needed for any other reason, it could have a positive impact on the amount of the monthly insurance premiums. The bottom line is that dash cams are worth investigating further.

Contact the experts Black box Guard Inc. San Francisco and learn more about the different models on the market. There is a good chance that at least one will be a perfect fit for the vehicle.

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