Dental Implants in Chicago IL Can Give Better Results than Dentures or Bridges

by | Oct 14, 2014 | Dentistry

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Many people may be looking for the best way to replace their missing teeth. A person can lose teeth for many reasons, from accidents to disease. No matter what the cause, missing teeth can cause people embarrassment and lowered self-esteem. By considering options to replace missing teeth, a person can decide how best to regain their smile and confidence. Dental Implants in Chicago IL are a good choice, as they look and function as natural teeth do. They offer many benefits that other traditional tooth replacement options like dentures and bridges don’t.

*   Implants are permanently placed into the gum by a professional like Dr. Legator Saul Legator DDS. After a healing period, a replacement tooth is attached to the implant. This means that implants won’t come loose or fall out like dentures can. It also means that there is no chance of implants not fitting properly or being uncomfortable. Dentures can often fit poorly and cause sores or abrasions in the mouth. Implants do not have any of these risks.

*   Sometimes wearing dentures can make it difficult to eat or speak. Some foods may not be possible to eat, like especially sticky or chewy food, as they may cause dentures to come loose or fall out. Implants make eating and speaking completely natural. People often forget they have implants and not just natural teeth.

*   Other people can normally tell if someone is wearing dentures. Dentures often look artificial and may detract from a person’s appearance. Implants look completely authentic and are hard to detect. Other people will think they are natural teeth.

*   Bridges require that two surrounding teeth used to help replace one missing tooth. The two existing teeth have crowns put on them and are used as anchors for a false tooth in between. These make it obvious that dental work has been done, but is usually less of an issue because they are usually only used on the side teeth. It cannot be used in any place where there are not two adjacent teeth.

Living with missing teeth can be embarrassing, but there is no reason not to do something about it. There are several different options for replacing teeth that have been lost. Dental Implants in Chicago IL are an especially good way to replace teeth. They look and feel just like real teeth. Click here for more information.

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