Dashboard Cameras in Orange County – Why You Should Have One

by | Oct 4, 2014 | Business

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There’s a new car accessory that is growing in popularity – the dashboard camera. Dash cams have been in widespread use in Russia for years due to the very unique circumstances of driving in that country. Terrible drivers, insufficient traffic laws, corrupt police, and insurance fraud all come together to make driving in Russia a very risky proposition. Americans have begun to catch on and realize that if you drive in a populated area and want to take some precautions, buying and mounting Dashboard Camera systems in Orange County is a wise investment. Visit website for more information.

Here are just a few reasons that you should consider buying a dashboard camera:

Driving Accidents -; Getting into a traffic accident is bad enough to ruin your day, but having it blamed on you when it wasn’t your fault is even worse. With a dashboard camera, you’ll have unimpeachable proof of who was responsible. There will be no conflicting testimony when the police come to assess the situation. You’ll have it all on glorious 1080p resolution video.

Insurance Fraud -; So some joker in a beater car backs up into you at a stoplight and tries to say you ran right into the back of him. Then he’ll claim he suffered injuries, too. Well, he’s trying to commit insurance fraud, and if there are no witnesses, he could very well get away with it. But what’s that you tell him? You have it all on video because you have a dashboard camera mounted in your car? He’s not going to be collecting any money from you. To paraphrase Monopoly: Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to jail.

Parking Accidents -; Don’t you hate it when you come out to your car in the parking lot only to see some idiot dinged you, or worse, and didn’t leave a note to take responsibility? It so happens that some dashboard cameras don’t stop recording when you park your car. Many have battery backups and can continue operating while you’re away from your vehicle. Since most also have audio, you’ll be able to see and hear the damage taking place and report the unknowing miscreant by viewing his license plate number thanks to your dash cam.

After reading this, if you’re thinking about looking into Dashboard Cameras in Orange County, you need to check out Blackbox Guard Inc. Orange County Online.

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