Conditions for Which Hearing Aid Treatment in the Oklahoma City Metro Area Is Effective

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Health Care

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Most people know that hearing aid treatment in the Oklahoma City metro area is prescribed for hearing loss. However, until you experience hearing loss yourself, you may not know that this is a catch-all term describing a few different conditions. Here are a few situations where hearing aid treatment is effective.


Tinnitus, a condition that causes a repeated sensation of ringing in the ears, can sometimes be treated with hearing aids. Hearing aids help amplify real sounds and cover up the sensation of ringing in the ears. Hearing aids from a place such as Oklahoma Hearing Center can also help treat hearing loss that often accompanies or causes tinnitus.

Damage to the Inner Ear

The most common forms of hearing loss come from different forms of damage to the inner ear, such as damaged nerves or hair cells (the hair cells in the inner ear are valuable noise receptors). This type of damage, called sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by many different factors, including degeneration due to age, genetics, and traumatic events or diseases.

Hearing aid treatment in the Oklahoma City metro area is most effective in overcoming damage to the inner ear. While it may not slow degenerative damage or reverse it, it can reverse its effects and allow patients to hear sounds they previously were not able to hear. Sometimes, hearing aid treatment is accompanied by other forms of treatment, such as earwax cleaning or even surgery.

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