Complete Mold Remediation Service in Albany

by | Jan 13, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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Mold Remediation Service in Albany is needed after a flood, a leaky pipe incident, any water damage at all and any time you suspect you have mold in your home or business. Within 24 hours of water damage, mold can begin to grow in your home or business and spread before you are even aware of its existence. It is quick and dangerous. Mold causes damage to floors, walls and structural elements of your building. It also causes illness and can exacerbate allergy and asthma symptoms to the point of needing immediate medical care. An emergency room visit at 3am is not how you want to become aware of mold in your home.

Water damage can be a slow leak from a pipe in the basement that will cause enough excess moisture for mold to begin. You need highly trained and experienced technicians to clean up your water damage and check for mold in the process. Using infrared technology, mold can be detected in walls and floors and eradicated fully. Duct cleaning and Mold Remediation Service in Albany can clean up all the spores and bacteria caused by mold and prevent it from coming back again. If you have had water damage recently or suspect mold is present, do not hesitate to call for detection and clean up. There are also important steps you can take to maintain safe moisture levels in your home or business. Check your property regularly for leaks and excess moisture. Wet vacuuming up any water from heavy rain or snow will insure you have left no extra moisture behind. HVAC checks and maintenance is important, so look into a maintenance plan if you don’t already have one.

If you are concerned about mold, call a restoration service, like Professional Fire Restoration Services for example, to do an inspection. They can help with anti-bacterial cleaning, mold prevention, mold removal and disposal if needed. Many types of mold spores are not visible like black mold is visible. You may have a problem brewing with no obvious signs until damage is severe. Call for information and let them know you suspect mold. They will able to ask you the right questions to determine if an inspection is warranteed.

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