Choose the Best Air Conditioners for Great Workspace Comfort

by | Nov 14, 2016 | HVAC Contractor

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Being comfortable at work is one of the most important aspects of employee productivity, and a big part of this is ensuring that everyone is cool during those hot summer months. Florida can get very uncomfortable in the hot weather and have quality air conditioning at work is vital to the ongoing happiness of all staff. The last thing that any business wants is for people to take days off work because the air conditioning units are not working!

Choosing an Air Conditioner for Work

A quality commercial air conditioner needs to be reliable and durable even in the hottest temperatures. Your local shopping center will be serviced by giant-ducted systems that sit atop the roof. In fact, these commercial systems are especially engineered to endure high temperatures and even include built-in cooling hoses. Can you imagine air conditioning not working in a large commercial environment like this? The financial losses would be mammoth!

For much smaller workplaces, there are more options. Ducted systems are especially good for warehouses and large areas where there are many rooms to keep cool, but single offices and other small spaces will likely find that split systems are just as effective. Locating a good-quality commercial air conditioner in Gainesville, FL is a matter of looking for a company like Charles Berg Enterprises with experience in commercial installations, service, and repairs.

Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

Just like domestic units, every commercial air conditioner requires regular maintenance and service. Given how much people rely on them during the sweltering heat, it is important that every business and organization build a servicing plan into their schedule every year. This must be budgeted for. This will ensure that the unit is in good condition and save money in the long run.

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