Children’s Dentistry in Omaha, NE: Tips for Calming a Child’s Fear of the Dentist

by | Oct 6, 2014 | Dental

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When it comes to visiting the dentist very few people can say that they don’t have at least a little bit of butterflies in their stomach. That is why Children’s Dentistry in Omaha NE.children’s works so hard to make sure that their little patients are put at ease and have a nice visit. However, sometimes even the best children’s dentist isn’t enough to waylay the fears of a child. Below you will find some tips on how to help your little one overcome their fear of the dentist and be brave little troopers.

Avoid Scary Words

You will want to avoid using scary words in front of your child. Most dentist have special words that they use for shot or cavity. It’s a good idea to ask the children’s dentistry in Omaha NE, which words they use so you can get your child use to those words instead of words like hurt, or pain.

Don’t let Your Fear Show

Even if you are deathly afraid of the dentist yourself, you do not need to let that fear shine through to your child. Keep your fears to yourself. Do not lie to your child, but put on a happy face when you talk about the dentist. Phobias of dentist in childhood tend to lead into phobias as adults and you won’t to avoid that happening if at all possible.

Make it a Game

You can stage a mock dental visit with your child. You should act like you are cleaning their teeth, help them brush them, and make a game of the entire thing. Do not bring out trays of sharp instruments or make whirring sounds that could scare the child however, as that will undo all of the good that you are trying to do. Make it a game and get your child used to the idea.

These are just a few of the things that you can do to help your child overcome a fear of the dentist. Remember that phobias of the dentist are very real and you need to do everything in your power to help your child not develop that type of fear at a young age.

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