Braces in Ripon, WI, Are the Best Way to Straighten and Align Teeth

by | Apr 10, 2015 | Dentistry

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Sometimes, people’s teeth grow in crookedly or with an incorrect alignment. These issues can lead to problems with speaking or eating, and they may make teeth more prone to decay or other issues. Rather than suffering from a lower quality of life and allowing tooth problems to worsen, it is best to see a dentist for help with crooked or misplaced teeth. Dentists can use braces in Ripon WI to move teeth to a better location and make them perfectly straight. There is a variety of different styles of braces available to suit peoples’ individual tastes and preferences, and treatment with braces is typically quite effective.

Most braces consist of a system of brackets and wires that are used to slowly reposition a patient’s teeth. The brackets are applied to the teeth using a very strong adhesive that prevents them from falling off. The wires are then threaded throughout the brackets to interconnect them and make it possible to maneuver the teeth’s location. A dentist from Silver Creek Dentistry will tighten these wires on set intervals to gradually move the teeth, making them straight and aligned correctly. Braces may be mildly uncomfortable after they are tightened, but they are not generally painful to the wearer.

While most people are familiar with the traditional style of metal braces, there are more modern and attractive options available. Ceramic or tooth-colored brackets and wires can be used that will blend in with the natural teeth. This can save patients from the embarrassment of being seen with braces, as it will make the braces far less noticeable. This is especially helpful for older teens and adults who may need to wear braces for several years. Similarly, Invisalign and similar clear plastic mouth guards can be used to move teeth, but these types of treatments must typically be worn longer that regular braces to become effective.

Misaligned or crooked teeth can be embarrassing, and they can make eating and speaking a challenge. Luckily, dentists have several types of braces available to help people with these issues. Braces in Ripon WI will slowly move teeth to a better spot and make them look far more attractive.

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