Are You Neglecting Your Teeth Because You’re Afraid of the Dentist

by | Nov 3, 2014 | Dental

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Are you unhappy with your smile? Do you have tooth pain or broken tooth that make it difficult to eat or drink? Is fear of the dentist keeping you from addressing the situation? What if you could simply drift off to sleep for a couple of hours and have all your tooth problems fixed? Sleep dentistry from a Cosmetic Dentist in St George UT could be the answer for you.

Sleep or sedation dentistry is accomplished with a simple IV. The patient will feel a small prick as the IV is inserted and then a combination of sedative and narcotic drugs are administered. In addition, a local anesthetic will be used to the numb the area the dentist will be performing the procedure on. If you have a fear of needles, do not worry the local numbing does not occur until the medication in the IV has already begun working in your system. Also known as twilight sedation, intravenous sedation allows the patient to be conscious and communicate with their dentist during the appointment. However, most patients describe the feeling of sleeping through the appointment because they have little to no memory of the dental work actually occurring.

Sleep dentistry is ideal for patients who experience extreme fear of the dentist and have neglected their teeth for extended periods of time. The IV allows the patient to be sedated for longer periods giving the dentist to ample time to complete an extensive amount of work in one visit. Many times, root canals, filling multiple cavities, extracting teeth, and applying crowns can all be performed in a single visit. No more stressing over multiple visits and living with the fear of dental work.

At the end of the treatment you will still be in a twilight state of consciousness and confused. Because of this, you will need someone to drive you home and not be allowed to operate heavy machinery for twenty four hours. Most patients report remembering nothing from the treatment and little to no pain afterwards.

If you’ve been avoiding the dentist, sleep dentistry can get you back on the track to perfect oral health. Click Here to learn more about sleep dentistry from a Cosmetic Dentist in St George UT.

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