Are You Feeling the Bite of Swarming Mosquitoes in Middletown NJ?

by | Nov 24, 2016 | Business

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Mosquitoes not only produce a painful, itchy bite, they can also carry diseases like the West Nile Virus. There are more than 3500 species of mosquitoes and they can lay as many as 100 eggs at each cycle. This means a homeowner can quickly become overrun with these pests, preventing them from comfortably spending time outdoors during the summer months. Homeowners who are dealing with Mosquitoes in Middletown NJ need to make sure they seek the professionals for pest control services.

There are three main signs there is an infestation of mosquitos on a property:

• Homeowners may notice large swarms of mosquitoes in their yard. If swarms are occurring, this is a good indicator the home has a mosquito problem that needs to be immediately addressed.

• If homeowners go outside and immediately begin to feel the painful attacks of mosquito bites, it is imperative they seek treatment. Mosquitoes can overrun a property and prevent individuals from being able to spend time outdoors. Yard duties become cumbersome because of these pests.

• Should homeowners see large amounts of mosquitoes floating on the surface of water in the yard, this is a good sign there are many mosquitoes present. These floating mosquitoes are immature and will soon take flight.

The treatment for Mosquitoes in Middletown NJ involves first reducing the water sources around the home. Mosquitoes breed in water and it can attract them. Barrels of water, bird baths, and decorative pots can all fill with water and become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Eliminating these sources can be helpful in reducing mosquitoes on the property.

There are three steps that will be taken to remove mosquitoes from a home:

• Insecticides are applied to any vegetation in the yard so mosquitoes will no longer be able to take shelter there.

• Insect growth regulators can be applied to prevent the growth of mosquitoes in water sources around the home.

• Microbial insecticides can also be used to kill mosquitoes in water sources.

If you are dealing with mosquitoes in your property, it is imperative you seek the professionals for help. Contact Freehold Pest Control and allow them to schedule you an appointment right away.

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