It would appear that New Mexico has made divorce very simple. Many couples manage to successfully divorce on their own, especially if there are no children or debts and few assets. Other couples, however, create more problems for themselves by not considering and resolving some issues.
Divorcing couples may do property exchanges, but not take into consideration the tax consequences. Couples who have been married for years might not understand the federal laws regarding the division of retirement accounts. The couple probably goes into the divorce with a certain amount of debt accumulated during the marriage. Figuring out the best way to divide the debt can be stressful and complicated. There may be unresolved issues regarding the family home. Child custody, visitation and support can migrate from an issue that both parties had assumed to be decided, believing that they understood the terms, to an unresolved issue.
There are alternatives to the divorce extremes: two lawyers battling it out for two bitter clients or a completely amicable divorce where the couples settle every detail on their own.
Uncontested divorce: The couple has come to agreement regarding child custody and property division, but wants to be certain there are no unforeseen issues. One party hires a Divorce Lawyer while the other represents himself. The attorney advises his client on likely Court rulings and raises issues neither spouse had considered. In the end, the client reaches an agreement with the spouse and the attorney prepares all the papers. No court appearance is necessary.
Mediated divorce: The attorney will act as a neutral facilitator, helping the couple resolve outstanding issues in accordance with New Mexico law. The paperwork is usually done by the attorney.
The Carter & Valle Law Firm has over 130 years of experience, holding true to their motto: “Lawyers Helping People.” The firm provides expert legal representation in a variety of specialties, including personal injuries and wrongful death, insurance law, estate and probate law, claims against governments, domestic relations and divorce. The attorneys are licensed to practice in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and the Tribal Nations. Both C. D. Carter III and Richard J.Valle have earned recognition as ‘Super Lawyers.’ Whatever the circumstances, anyone who needs an expert Divorce Lawyer in Albuquerque, NM should contact this reputable firm.