Adoption in Norman Creates Legacies of Love For a Lifetime.

by | Dec 20, 2013 | Adoption

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Adoption is an emotional experience. Whether it is from an unplanned pregnancy or infertility, it is a decision that will have an impact on couple’s life. A woman facing an unplanned pregnancy may not be in a position to raise a child. It is a heartbreaking choice, that no woman takes lightly. Giving life to a child and putting it up for adoption in Norman, is both a gift to the unborn child, and an adoptive family. For couples who cannot have a child naturally, the gift of a child is a lifetime blessing. For both the birth parents and the adoptive parents, it is a time of high emotion for all involved.

Unplanned pregnancies have been happening since men and women first noticed each other. In some relationships, it is a welcomed and blessed event. But for some, the time is not right. Whatever the reason, age, financial or life stage, the decision to not raise the child is difficult. Deaconess Adoption Services is there to help women through these major decisions, no matter their choice. If adoption is selected, they will walk a birth mother through the process every step of the way. They will listen to the mother’s fears, concerns, and grief. They will give the woman support all the way through it. Giving a child up for adoption, can be a lifelong gift to someone wanting to start a family.

For couples unable to have children, the heartbreak of every negative pregnancy test, miscarriage or baby shower, for a friend can be heart wrenching. Many are turning to Adoption in Norman to complete their families. Just as with the birth mother, adoptive parents also have fears, concerns and a roller coaster of emotions to deal with. The counselors at Deaconess Adoption Services understand the emotions adoptive parents are experiencing.

For some women, babies are grown under their hearts. But raising a child is not something they can do at that moment. For others, babies are grown in their hearts, the gift of a child is placed in their arms. Adoption is a gift that creates a legacy of love from the moment of conception to the moment of adoption. It is a gift, a child will thank both the parents who gave them the gift of life with love, and the family who raises them with love.

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