A Company That Handles Air Conditioning Services in Sarasota, FL Can Be Best Choice for Pre-Season Maintenance

by | Sep 10, 2013 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Every year before the hot months of summer begins, it is important that a home’s air conditioning system is cleaned and inspected to check for any signs of damage or wear that might cause it to break down during the season. While many people may choose to tackle this type of job on their own, others may find it of great benefit to contact a company that specializes in air conditioning service in Sarasota FL to handle the job.

One of the most important tasks that will need to be done is the system will need to be cleaned. Since there are two different units that make up the system, one inside the home and the other outside both units will need to be cleaned separately. This will remove a lot of the dirt and other matter from the units that can cause the system to run inefficiently.

The various elements on the units will need to be inspected to ensure they are still functioning properly. Both units have motors and fans, which need to be inspected to ensure that the connections to the power source are secure and that the wiring is in good shape. Since fans need to be able to rotate it is important to make sure that the pathways they move along are kept clean and the fan can rotate freely. The bolts that keep the fan on the shaft should also be checked to ensure they are secure so there is no danger of the fan spinning off and causing damage.

If the fan blades show any signs of cracking or other types of damage, it is best to replace the fan before the season starts. Waiting can often end up in the unit breaking during the summer months when it may be more difficult to find a repair person and it may be more costly as well.

The fan belt should also be checked and replaced if necessary. This is generally an easy process, which a homeowner may want to handle on his or her own. Loosening the mounting bolts on the motor will allow the motor to slip enough so that the belt can be removed and a new one put in its place.

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