When do you need to consult a DUI Attorney and why?

by | Aug 28, 2024 | Law Firm

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DUI or driving under influence of drugs or alcohol is an offense which may lead to severe legal penalities. The number of people arrested on charges of DUI seem to be on the rise in recent years! This huge number surely indicates why offenders have recently been dealt with more severity by the police department. Offenders once proved guilty may face serious penalities depending on the severity of the crime. If you happen to be charged with driving under influence, it is best to seek help from an experienced DUI attorney in Ann Arbor MI.

There are some basic things which everyone should know regarding DUI offense. Afterall, a person cannot be simply charged with such an offense! So before an officer pulls you over and ask for a PAS or blood or breath ests, know your rights.

1. PAS or Preliminary Alcohol Screening, is a customary test carried out by police officers to identify DUI offenders. Once pulled over and asked to undergo PAS, you can refuse to it, but only if you are above 21 years of age and only if you hold a valid driving license with no previous record of being charged with a similar offense. However, even that would be a risky proposition! For your lincense may be cancelled under such circumstance if there’s a previous history of being booked for DUI offense in the last one decade. The concerned state legal authority may confiscate your driving license and take legal actions against you. On the otherhand, if you’re below 21 years of age, it is advisable to undergo the PAS test. If you insist not to undergo PAS test under such situations, it will be held against you as an attempt to hide evidence which will make your situation worse.

2. In addition to PAS, a person charged with DUI can also be asked to give samples of blood and urine for chemical analysis. This is done to determine whether the percentage of alcohol in the sample is within permissible limits or whether there’s any trace of illegal drugs in the sample. You can be charged with “driving under influence” if your blood alcohol is found to be 0.8 or more. Under such situations, consulting a DUI attorney at the earliest would be the best possible step.

3. People charged with DUI offense for the first time stands a chance of ‘driving license suspension’ for the next 4 months. The best possible step would be to consult a DUI attorney at the earliest and plead guilty before the house of law.

Only a proper and timely guidance can help you overcome this legal hurdle. Before the situation gets out of hand it is necessary to get in touch with an experienced DUI attorney. Ann Arbor MI has Hermanowski Law, offering best legal consultation to clients charged with DUI offense.

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