Charlotte NC Paving Contractors Install and Maintain Parking Lots

by | Jun 26, 2024 | Concrete contractor

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People judge a business by its exterior appearance. A well-maintained building facade and parking lot signal potential customers that the business is successful. A well-maintained parking lot also reduces the chance that a person will catch their shoe in a crack and fall. This lowers the potential of a costly personal injury lawsuit. Routine pavement maintenance also doubles the life of a parking lot. Therefore hiring Charlotte NC paving contractors to install and maintain a parking lot is a cost-effective strategy.

After a parking lot has been installed, it should be inspected every year. The paving contractor will look for small cracks in the pavement. He will take a hot and flexible material and fill it. This will prevent water from seeping into the lower levels of the pavement. During the winter this moisture will expand as it freezes and then it contracts as it thaws. Eventually this movement will cause the pavement to buckle or form potholes. Sometimes property owners attempt to fill cracks themselves. They go to the local hardware store and buy pavement crack filler. Unfortunately, these products are not made for very cold temperatures. While they work initially, they are not flexible enough to respond to wide temperature swings. Eventually spaces from between the filler and pavement and water still seeps into the lower levels of the pavement.

Every two years the parking lot should be resealed. This prevents the sun from drying out the pavement. A property owner may try to save money, by putting this off for a year or two. He may arrive at his parking lot one day and notice that it has developed a gray tint. Gray pavement means that it is oxidizing or rusting. If the owner acts quickly and hires Charlotte NC Paving Contractors to apply a sealcoating to his parking lot, he may be able to save it. If not, large chunks of pavement may break off and the entire parking lot will need to be replaced. Sealcoating must be done during the day, so that the sun can help it to dry properly. Paving contractors will minimize the disruption by sealcoating the parking lot in sections or performing the sealcoating on a day when the business is closed.

Contact Charlotte Concrete Designs.

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