A Guide to Debt Resolution with Lawyers in Jacksonville, FL

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Estate Planning Attorney

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If you’re struggling with large amounts of debt, there are people who can help you solve this crisis. Debt resolution lawyers in Jacksonville, FL, can help you find air again when you’re drowning in debt.

What Is Debt Resolution?

Debt resolution is a negotiation with your creditors. The goal is to come to an agreement where you pay part of the debt, but the debt is considered paid in full. Many creditors would rather get some form of payment than none, so debt resolution is a great way to reduce your debts.

How It Works

You’ll first need to contact your creditor and prove that paying the amount in full is not within your financial ability. You’ll then negotiate a single payment or series of payments, as well as agree on an amount for the debt to be considered paid in full. It’s a fast way to resolve your debt and correct your finances. However, most creditors will be resistant to negotiation. The process will be easier if you hire a debt resolution lawyer in Jacksonville, FL. They have experience dealing with creditors and will be able to secure you the best deal.

How Long Does It Take?

The amount of time debt resolution takes depends on the amount of debt you’re in, how many creditors you have, and what your current financial situation is. It typically takes a year or two to complete debt resolution. However, the time it takes is worth the reduction in your debt.

If you need help getting out of debt, call Guardian Litigation Group for expert debt resolution lawyers in Jacksonville, FL.

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