A Guide to Considerations When Shopping for Apartments for Rent in Norfolk, VA

by | Jun 6, 2024 | Apartment For Rent

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If you are searching for apartments for rent in Norfolk, VA, there are several factors to take into consideration. Choosing the perfect apartment involves more than just finding a place that fits your budget or has great amenities. Location, budget, and square footage are just a few things that should guide your decision-making process.

Here is a guide to some of the key factors you should consider before signing a lease.


It is important to consider location when looking for apartments for rent in Norfolk, VA. The location of your apartment can impact commuting times, access to amenities, and safety. You may want to consider looking at apartments located close to grocery stores, hospitals, restaurants, and shopping centers that reflect your lifestyle.

Researching the safety of the neighborhood is also important as you want to be in a secure area. Proximity to high traffic areas may lead to higher levels of noise pollution, so it’s a good idea to avoid such locations if noise pollution is a concern.


Budget plays a significant role when looking for the best apartments for rent, such as those at Boyd Homes. It is essential to consider both the rent and the utility costs since some homes may have additional charges such as parking fees or utilities that are not included in the rent. Before signing a lease, it is essential to ensure that the monthly rental cost does not exceed 30% of your monthly income.

Square Footage

Square footage is another important factor that you should consider, especially if you have a family and require additional space. You’ll want to aim for a minimum of 900 square feet of living space, but this can vary depending on your individual requirements. If you work remotely, you may require a designated workspace/office area, thus making it necessary to consider a larger space.

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