Cosmetic dentistry encompasses many invaluable services to improve your smile and restore confidence. Through these dental services, you’ll receive permanent tooth replacement options, restorative bonding practices, and stain removal. Consulting a cosmetic dentist in Glenview gives you details about these fantastic services.
Composite Bonding Services
Composite bonding involves using a composite resin or porcelain to restore broken teeth. Dentists use the materials to restructure damaged tooth sections and prevent tooth loss. If you bite into hard foods and break or chip a tooth, the dentist follows these steps to restore the tooth and improve your ability to chew or speak.
Dental Implants to Replace Missing Teeth
A cosmetic dentist in Glenview can tell you everything you want about dental implants. These permanent tooth replacement devices perform like natural teeth and don’t fall out of the mouth like dentures. If you have severely damaged teeth, your dentist may recommend extractions to remove the damaged teeth and dental implants to replace them.
Teeth Whitening Services
Teeth whitening services are great for lifting and removing stains from tooth enamel. Even discoloration due to aging is removed effectively by getting these services. The dentist applies a peroxide solution onto your teeth, breaking down debris and revealing a brighter smile free of stains. The procedures take around 30 minutes to complete, and you can get more treatments according to your results.
Cosmetic dental services can give you a wonderful smile and correct issues that make you self-conscious. Contact Chicago Beautiful Smiles and set up cosmetic dental services to get a beautiful smile.