Home Buyers in Wichita KS and Listening to Your Agent’s Advice

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Property

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It is not unusual to be floored when an experienced real estate agent tours your home and tells you there are changes that need to be made. An experienced agent does this so your home will gain the best return possible. This is because the agent understands where the market is and what home buyers in Wichita KS, are looking for. So, if she tells you it is a good idea to take the outdated wallpaper down and paint the wall in a neutral color, it pays to listen to her advice.

Most home buyers in Wichita KS, do not want to do work. They are not investors, and are not looking for properties they have to put work into. Further, those types of properties do not go for top-dollar. In order to gain top-dollar, you may have to make some updates. This does not mean you need to break the bank. Those updates must fall in line with a greater return on your investment. An experienced agent can tell you what you can gain by what work she is proposing. It is up to you to take her advice.

Sometimes, homeowners get caught up in the sentimental. For example, your daughter may have walked down the stairs and looked incredible as she prepared for prom. You may have loved how her dress complimented the wallpaper in the background. However, to some buyers, the outdated wallpaper may seem like work. As a result, they will consider that in their offer and try to low-ball you. However, some buyers may simply not want to deal with taking it down and simply walk away. If you can avoid it, never give a potential buyer a reason not to make an offer.

You can find more information about properties on the market today by looking online. Once you tour the site, you will be thrilled with pictures and detailed information. You can learn a lot about where you stand against other homes by seeing what the competition has to offer. Next, you will be ready to book an appointment with an experienced agent. For more information visit Kansas Home Guys.

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