Emergency Situation Guidance with AEDs

by | Dec 11, 2013 | Business And Finance, Career and jobs

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Automated external defibrillators (AED) are small portable electronic device that gives diagnoses in life threatening situations such as when people are hit with sudden heart conditions where they may be suffering from cardiac arrhythmias, a slow heartbeat, or even a rapid heartbeat. This happens through the application of an electrical shock. The electrical therapy halts the arrhythmia and allows the heart to beat with a normal rhythm. The Zoll AED Plus provides competent instructions through visual and audio commands that are easy enough for everyone to understand. The use of an AED is also taught to many first aid responders during CPR classes. Today AEDs are easy to acquire, and they are often used for situations that require emergency medical attention in places like schools, businesses, and even homes.

Not All AEDs Are Equal
A typical AED will deliver a shock to help resuscitate someone. An AED Plus not only delivers a shock if need be, it also helps you perform CPR. Not every cardiac arrest requires a shock. In fact, only half of the victims suffering from cardiac arrest need to be shocked. CPR on the other hand is necessary for all cardiac victims. This is an important factor to keep in mind when an emergency occurs. The AED Plus is capable of seeing how CPR is being performed, and it is able to give assistance with commands so the CPR that is being performed is effective. CPR Help is the tool that is used in an AED Plus, to give the necessary feedback. An emergency situation is scary, and people need the added security of having an AED Plus that delivers instructions through visual and audio prompts.

Commands Guide You to Deliver Perfect CPR
An AED Plus gives you the appropriate commands to help you deliver CPR. The machine communicates through the electro pads that are applied to the victim. The pads help to determine if you are pushing hard enough, or if you are pushing too hard. It will convey an affirmative message when the compressions are just right. The speed of compressions is important as well. The compressions that are given will be monitored, so you will be told whether you need to slow down or speed up. A metronome will guide you to the right rate until you have the correct life-saving rhythm.ve

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