A young college student is on his way home from the local bar in Ann Arbor MI. He is feeling tired and happens to look in his rear view mirror and at that time he realizes he is being pulled over. After a series of events, he is being arrested and charged with Drunk Driving. What should he do? What is going to happen? The first thing he should do is find a drunk driving lawyer in Ann Arbor MI. After being allowed to call an attorney and thumbing through the phone book, he finds Hermanowski Law. But how can they help him?
Hermanowski Law in Ann Arbor MI is a well versed practice that has many years of total experience in criminal defense to include DUI defense. They not only have the experience but both principal attorneys have law enforcement experience. Alexander W Hermanowski has served the Ann Arbor MI. The attorneys have a variety of experiences that would make a possible defendant confident in his defense team.
Hermanowski Law are aware that a Drunk Driving Charge presents a unique problem that needs both quick actions but also great care for attention to detail. They believe that the defendant should never defend himself alone and should rely on the experience of lawyers. They offer an initial free consultation for the defendant to discuss his options. They will represent their defendant to the best of their ability by utilizing the vast experience accumulated many years. By that experience alone, Hermanowski Law has provided a list of what not to do, which is posted on their website. The list can save the defendant a lot of time, expense, and grief.
Hermanowski Law believe in making their clients part of a team. They allow them to become key components on the defense team. From the vast experience that Hermanowski Law provide to the team building, this process allows the defendant to feel confident and assured that he had chosen the right drunk driving lawyer Ann Arbor MI.