Things Not to Do with Home Dog Grooming in Loveland

by | Dec 14, 2021 | Dog Day Care Center

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Grooming may appear to be a merely cosmetic gesture. Although it is certainly a terrific way to make your cherished companion look amazing, it is also incredibly beneficial to their entire health and welfare.

Many of the most frequent parts of dog grooming in Loveland can be done from the convenience of your own home. However, if you are an untrained groomer, you risk injuring your pet if you are not cautious.

Wash Inside the Ears

While you may believe that washing the inside of your pet’s ears is a terrific method to keep them clean, it increases the risk of infection. This is because it raises the amount of moisture in the ear canal, which can make it a breeding ground for bacteria and illness when combined with rising warmth and humidity.

Places such as Dogs’ Own Grooming and Grooming School recommend instead of water, massage a small amount of pet ear cleaner into the ear canal and wipe away any visible dirt with a soft, clean cloth. Never put anything, especially a Q-tip, into your pet’s ear.

Brushing Wet Pet Hair

Many pet owners feel that brushing wet fur is easier than brushing dry fur. This is not the case and is one of the biggest mistakes that people make with home dog grooming in Loveland. You may wind up harming their hair follicles if you use water to remove knots and matted areas. Instead, brush them before they take a bath to eliminate any additional filth or hair before entering the water.

After you’ve showered them, pat dry as much as possible before gently brushing their hair in the direction of growth with a wide-tooth brush or comb to eliminate any knots and stimulate the production of oils that keep the coat healthy and lustrous.

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