Commercial Shredding in Denver Can Handle All Your Shredding Needs

by | Nov 19, 2021 | Shredding Service

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When it comes to sensitive documentation, businesses obviously have a much different need than an individual. While the latter doesn’t want sensitive information to get out, they have a lot fewer potential breaches to contend with.

But commercial shredding in Denver through XpresShred can provide the reliable shredding and data storage removal needed for businesses to remain compliant with data protection regulations in their area.

Physical or Digital

The best thing about commercial shredding in Denver is that they can address your needs whether they be physical or digital. That is important because disposing of these materials can vary greatly depending on the format that they are currently in. Disposing of them safely requires experience and knowledge that only a professional possesses.

Physical shredding can be done in scheduled pickups. They come on site and empty shredder bins, taking them back to a secure site for proper disposal. The same goes for digital files as well. Drives can be removed where they are destroyed down to unrecoverable bits. All for secure disposal.

Peace of Mind

More than anything else, it is peace of mind knowing that sensitive materials have been destroyed. For businesses, trust between them and the client is important. When data breaches occur, that trust can be damaged and that’s not even mentioning the costly fines that can come with improper data removal practices. Save your business the trouble by going with a pro removal service.

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