Cockroaches Are Getting Out of Control Here in Pearl City Hawaii

by | Jan 29, 2020 | Pest Control Service

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There are 4,600 species of cockroaches worldwide, and nearly 20 species of cockroaches are found on the Hawaiian Islands. However, only three are commonly known to infest human habitats and are considered pests. It’s not known exactly when cockroaches arrived on the islands, but as more people from all over the world traveled to Hawaii, different species of cockroaches came with them.

Due to their habit of crawling through sewage and other decaying matter, cockroaches pick up bacteria on their legs and bodies. If they crawl through your kitchen, they spread those germs onto your countertops and food. Moreover, roach droppings, shed skins and dead bodies can trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks, especially in children.

Cockroach Control in Pearl City to get rid of cockroaches

The balmy, tropical climate, as well as an abundance of places to live, makes the island of Oahu a roach paradise. While 100% roach-proofing your home may be unrealistic, there are two things you can do; reduce your clutter, and clean, clean, clean.

Cockroaches love to in things like piles of old papers, in cardboard boxes or any old junk. In addition to getting rid of unnecessary clutter, store your food and other items in plastic containers.

Likewise, roaches do not need a lot of food; splashes of grease or food left under or around your stovetop will be enough to sustain them. Be sure to clean up any food spills right away, and don’t leave your pet’s food out either.

For professional cockroach control in Pearl City call on Bowman Termite & Pest Management today. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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