If you have decided to take on woodworking for your hobby, there are many easy projects that will help you hone your skills on your new woodworking machinery leaving you with a very useable and attractive finished project. Here are four ideas for you to try:
1. Window Boxes: Window boxes are a charming addition to any home and if you want to take them on as a first project you can even consider using them on your shed. This adds a lovely touch to any garden when planted with colourful flowers. Window boxes are also an affordable project which can be finished with wood scraps or with minimal investment for new wood. You can finish them with paint for a whimsical feel or wood stains and water proofing items available at your local hardware store.
2. Birdhouses: You may be thinking this is a little juvenile, but you can get quite creative with birdhouses and can then use them in your back yard to attract local birds. Again, this is an affordable project in which scrap wood can be used and you can work on it with the kids to make it a fun project for everyone.
3. Simple Tables: There are many table designs you can come up with for a simple and practical project that will come in handy once you are done. The x-leg design is very popular for novice woodworkers and they look great once done. This is a great item for gardens and you can even design them to a working height for gardening or cooking outdoors.
4. Benches: Think of a bench as a wide table with short legs and voila you have new seating. Add some throw cushions and paint for an inviting seating option snuggled beneath a window.
5. Storage Boxes: You can easily create storage boxes that are stackable for use in your garage or basement or create attractive rustic boxes for use under banquettes in kitchens, multi-purpose storage/seating in your garden or perfect boxes for kids’ toys. You can stain them or paint them to suit your needs.
As you can see there are many options to help familiarize yourself with your new woodworking machinery without spending a fortune on your new hobby.