Radiant floor heating, also known as hydronic floor heating, has really revolutionized how homeowners and their families deal with the coldest months of winter in the Northeast. Unlike traditional heating, it doesn’t produce drafts or cold spots, and it heats rooms from the ground up, making it much more energy-efficient.
The fact that a heating system is more efficient and more effective than its competitors doesn’t mean it won’t have occasional problems, though. Homeowners should still keep a lookout for signs that it may be time to look into Hydronic Floor Heating Repair in Pittsburgh PA.
Heat is Limited in One or More Rooms
The most obvious sign of trouble is that the system is not producing enough heat. Before calling the repair contractors, homeowners may want to take a walk around the house to try to determine whether the problem is a systemic one or if it’s limited to just one or two rooms. No matter what they find, though, they should shut their systems off and get in touch with a professional for repairs immediately.
Damaged Floorboards
In some systems, leaks can be detected before they cause noticeable heat loss by taking a look at the flooring. Look for cracks in the floor as well as small pools of water. These can signal that the heating coils beneath the floors are leaking.
Unusual Smells
Strange smells coming from the floor may also be an indicator that there is a leak somewhere in the system. Don’t ignore any unusual smells that could be coming from the heater, and don’t just turn the heat up hoping that they’ll somehow be burned off. Instead, call for Hydronic Floor Heating Repair in Pittsburgh PA as soon as possible to avoid further damage.
Get Help Now
It may be tempting for some homeowners to put off necessary repairs knowing that the much-anticipated warmth of spring and summer is on its way. This is a mistake, though, as the damage will only continue to worsen over time if the leak is not immediately fixed. Instead of putting off repairs until they cost a small fortune, homeowners can check out Website.com to learn about one company that can help today. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!