You do not need an attorney to file an accident claim against an insurance company. Many people will do this if they only suffered mild injuries and minimal property damage. However, accident attorneys can help when the situation is not simple and straightforward. A skilled attorney knows the laws and the procedural rules in Chicago courts. An accident attorney acts as your advocate throughout the case.
An Attorney Knows the Value of the Claim
Most people will have no idea of what their claim is worth. To determine the value of the claim an attorney will analyze your injuries, evaluate your pain and suffering, and determine if there are any long-term effects. An attorney knows how insurance companies work and know from experience how to negotiate a meaningful settlement. If you were to try to negotiate directly with the insurance company, you could leave thousands of dollars on the table.
An Attorney Has a Complete Understanding of the Legal Process
Rarely would a layperson be aware or intimate with the legal procedures in litigating a claim. Numerous documents must be filed with the court, and everything must be done within the time allowed by the statute of limitations. Without in-depth knowledge of the legal system in Chicago, you may lose the case on a technicality.
An Attorney is Motivated to Win
Accident attorneys in Chicago work on a contingency fee basis. They are paid if you win your case. Under these circumstances, you have seasoned attorneys working to get you the best possible settlement.
An Attorney Can Take Your Case to Trial
The majority of accident cases are settled out of court. Statistics indicate that in the majority of cases a jury will rule in favor of the plaintiff. Having attorneys indicates to the insurance company that you are prepared to take the case to court if necessary. Knowing you are willing to go to court, the insurance company is motivated to make an acceptable offer to settle the case.
If you need experienced accident attorneys, contact the Shea Law Group in Chicago. To schedule a free case evaluation, visit Like us on our facebook page.