What Is the Difference Between a Developer and a Builder?

by | Mar 9, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

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The answer to the question posed by the title is a classic apples and oranges scenario, and yet it is very easy to misunderstand what a land developer does in contrast to a builder. To keep it as simple as possible, let’s do a quick itemization of both roles.

The builder is someone who erects homes. They do not usually put in things like sewer lines and septic systems, ensure there are proper water and electrical lines, make streets and install curbs. In other words, they arrive on the scene and start to build homes on foundations that are essential “turnkey” and just waiting for a house to be plunked on top.

All of that stuff that happens before the builders arrive is the job of the land developer, and as you can guess, it is quite complex and involves a lot of moving parts and skilled workers. A short list of what your average land developer has to tackle would include:

  • Finding raw land that is suited to one or more houses
  • Getting permits to install and demark the individual building lots
  • Installing the septic and sewage systems and lines
  • Installing water lines
  • Doing everything needed to get electrical services on the individual lots
  • Putting in curbs and streets
  • Working with builders to pour foundations or slabs based on blueprints

And as you can imagine, each of those bullet points has its own list of special tasks and skills. Just installing water lines or septic means a lot of engineering and skilled use of digging equipment, and very little room for error.

Of course, a land developer is also going to do work apart from housing projects. This too is a way they are distinct from builders. For instance, a builder in the Jacksonville, FL area is unlikely to offer utility firms their services since they just don’t apply, but a developer’s skills and abilities do. They might also do paving jobs and the work necessary prior to construction on everything from shopping centers and resorts to housing projects.

If you are looking for a plot on which you can build your dream home, begin with a land developer in Jacksonville. Vallencourt, Inc. has many years of expertise in this area and offers a long list of specialized services for commercial and residential clients of all kinds.

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