Why local SEO is more important today

by | Sep 11, 2017 | SEO Services

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Any search engine optimization company in Charleston, SC will tell you that local SEO is and will continue to be one of the busiest avenues in the world of search engine optimization. When most people think about local SEO, they immediately think about the local mom and pop shops and neighborhood stores. Today, almost any business of any size can take advantage of local SEO. Furthermore, according to experts, Google has been known to favor the smaller and more agile company. Ever since the release of the Pigeon update three years ago, things have changed dramatically in this field.


One of the reasons why Google is seen to favor the smaller business is because it often wants to give people the right individualized results. It continues to improve its predictive and customization abilities, and this means having as much information as possible on businesses and options for customers who search for things online. When logged into one’s account, the geographic location and search history plays an important part in what the search engine will show. Google is known for having the penchant for
enabling small businesses to find a foothold in the world, what with their numerous tools like webmaster and analytics, with the aim of improving online visibility.


The past few years have seen the unprecedented proliferation of mobile and wearable devices. Searches on the PC or desktop have now been outnumbered by those made on mobile devices, most of which happen on the go. Search engines are reacting to this by making proximity based searches more popular, with search results increasingly based on hyper-specificity, rather than the typical general regional or neighborhood specificity. With the growth of the internet of things, geographically relevant information and results will become even more relevant, eliminating even more barriers between the physical and virtual worlds.


If for nothing else, local SEO should be embraced for the simple fact that an online presence exposes one to a lot of competition worldwide, competition which grows by the day. If you are running a smaller establishment, then the target of relevant visibility then becomes even more important.

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