In today’s fast paced, high tech society, it may be difficult to get your children to be interested in anything other than their computer screen, let alone get them engaged with the church. As children grow, it is important for them to have a solid spiritual foundation, which is usually done through children’s ministry. Here are some fun, crafty, ways to get your students interested Children’s Ministry in Jacksonville.
Work In Groups: Most kids are less interested in learning then they are in play, so one way to make Children’s Ministry in Jacksonville fun is to treat it more like organized play time. If you run a Children’s Ministry in Jacksonville, have your students work in groups. This makes the activity seem more like play rather then work or learning and helps with team building skills. Working in groups will also allow for discussions and dialogue about the portion of the Bible that was being taught- since the kids are working on something related to that portion.
Create Something Useful: Use craft time at your Children’s Ministry in Jacksonville to create Christmas tree decorations, or presents for friends and family. This will help teach students the importance of finishing a task, and will allow your students to present their work to family or friends. Most likely, when your student shows off his or her craft project, he or she, will also want to retell the story, or the lesson that inspired the creation of the project.
Get Parents Involved: Make Children’s Ministry in Jacksonville a family even by allowing parents or family members to join the kids for craft day. This will help create a sense of family within the group, strengthen the community and will also remind the adults of the important lessons that Children’s Ministry in Jacksonville is teaching.