Simple Tips For Selecting The Right Industrial Lubricant For The Job

by | Mar 10, 2017 | Business

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Every type of engine needs lubrication. However, it is equally important to choose the correct lubricant for the type of engine, the workload, and the working conditions. Failing to choose the right option can result in hefty repair bills, excessive downtime and poor overall performance and efficiency.

Upgrading Options

For a Sioux Falls business, having a mechanic that is able to assist in selecting the correct industrial lubricant for the equipment, machine or engine will be helpful. If you are doing a repair on your own, try consulting the manufacturer of the engine for a recommended lubricant for the job.

Yet another option is to talk to a lubrication specialist at a trusted distributor, these professionals can often provide suggestions for products that may be superior in performance, protection, and lubrication to the product currently in use. This is possible through the constant development of more advanced blends and additives to improve on one or more functions of the lubricant.

What is Currently in Use?

If you are currently using an industrial lubricant, stop to assess the effectiveness of the brand and type. Where is the lubricant doing a great job and where are there some concerns.

For example, you may find that the lubricant in use provides adequate cooling capacity, but it doesn’t seem to be controlling corrosion, or you have noticed increased corrosion on engine parts. You may also find that the oil breaks down quickly and requires constantly changing, which may be an indication that the current industrial lubricant is not the correct option.

Once you know what is good about your current lubrication and what needs to be improved, talk to your Sioux Falls distributor or retailer. These professionals can review what is available and make customized recommendations to find the right lubricant for your engine’s performance.

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