Having missing teeth can cause dental patients both stress and discomfort. It makes chewing food, communicating clearly, and other basic daily tasks more challenging and can negatively impact self-confidence if the teeth are near the front or the patient’s jaw line has begun to recede. One simple and effective solution to all of these problems is to be fitted for Partial Dentures in Toronto. If being able to eat solid food more easily is not enough of a reason to look into replacing missing teeth, take a look at just a few more benefits of partial dentures some patients may not yet have considered.
Prevent Moving Teeth
One consequence of leaving a space where teeth have been removed is that healthy teeth will migrate in the jaw to compensate. Parallel teeth over-erupt and grow into the space. The teeth next to the space shift and tilt. The shifting of teeth in the mouth can create pockets that provide a perfect environment for the growth of plaque and bacteria, causing gum disease, tooth decay, and often further tooth loss. If these issues are left long enough, it may prevent a simple solution like dentures from being effective and require more extensive dental work.
Reduce Risk of TMJ
TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, causes muscle spasms, headaches, difficulty opening the mouth, and head and neck pain. An improper bite resulting from missing teeth can be a contributing factor, although a variety of underlying problems can cause this unfortunate disorder.
Prevent Facial Changes
When teeth are removed or fall out, it causes the jaw bone to recede. When several teeth are missing in a row, it can create a concave look in the cheeks near the back or impact the appearance of a patient’s lips in the front, both of which are frequently associated with the physical appearance of aging. Partial dentures help to support the muscles necessary to prevent these unwanted facial changes and keep patients looking younger.
Lower Cost Than Implants
Dental implants are another common way to replace missing teeth, but many patients find them to be prohibitively expensive. This is particularly true if many teeth are missing. In comparison, partial dentures are quite affordable. Click here to learn more about Partial Dentures Toronto and other restorative dentistry procedures.
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