FAQs That Can Be Answered By A Domestic Violence Lawyer In Cincinnati, OH

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Lawyers

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In Ohio, domestic violence is a constant issue. These occurrences often happen between loved ones or romantic partners. Unfortunately, not all cases end after the first arrest. In some cases, the victim becomes yet another fatality statistic. The following are FAQs that can be answered by a Domestic Violence Lawyer in Cincinnati OH.

What Constitutes Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is any attack or assault with the intent to do bodily harm that involves members of the same household. Victims can include siblings, parents, children, and spouses. Romantic partners are also classified as victims as well as individuals who once lived in the same property or with their attacker. Since they are attacks between household members, these charges incur higher penalties than physical assault offenses.

Why is a Protection Order Issued?

A protection order is issued when a victim is attacked more than once or when they fear for their lives. These orders identify certain conditions that constitute a violation of the court order. These conditions outline activities in which the defendant is prohibited from conducting. This includes visiting locations in which the victim is presence frequently.

What Happens if the Order is Violated?

If the defendant violates the order, they are arrested and incur additional charges. The court determines the exact criminal penalty for the violation based on the nature and severity of the offense. If a child is involved, the penalties are often increased.

What Happens if the Domestic Violence Case is Connected to a Divorce Case?

If the domestic violence case is connected to the divorce case, any violation of the protection order can have some effect on the outcome of the divorce. If the court determines that a child is at risk, the court can deny visitation for the defendant.

In Ohio, domestic violence cases can lead to serious criminal penalties based on the exact charge. These offenses involve individuals of the same household, family members, and former romantic partners. They often lead to protection orders to prevent further harm to the victim. Individuals who are facing these charges contact a Domestic Violence Lawyer in Cincinnati OH by visiting website today.

Connect with Engel & Martin LLC on Google+ for more information.

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