How to Make Your School Fundraising Successful

by | Jan 12, 2017 | Shopping and Fashion

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If you are a school, whether private or public, you cannot deny the need for money. If you are to run efficiently and provide great education to students, you will need to have sufficient funds. Many schools tend to address this issue by holding fundraising events. Many individuals have come to accept this way of raising money from schools. So why not get into it? Well, it sort of sounds cliché right? True. But before you dismiss the idea completely, know that you can come up with some creative fundraising school ideas and make them a success. The way you hold your fundraising, the events and activities you include are totally limited by your creativity. So by all means, break the norm, break the cliché and hold a fundraising event people have never seen before. As you do this, below are some tips that will help you get your fundraising school ideas successful.

Be very proactive and stay in touch

You should not contact parents only when you need something from them. When you think about it and put yourself in their shoes, don’t you think it is annoying to have someone call you only when they need a favor from you?

Well, that is how many parents feel when emails are sent to them during the fundraising period and then immediately after it is done you fall off the grid until the next fundraising event.

Be careful not to get scammed

As you brainstorm on some of your best fundraising school ideas, you should be very careful not to get scammed. Look into the fundraising opportunities that you come across very carefully. There are some that have you putting the bulk of the money raised into their pockets leaving you with very little to work with.

Consider the total returns

There are some big names in the industry that you can partner with. But before you make that decision to partner, consider the total returns. If they bring in only dimes and nickels, disregard them, even when they are a big name. You will be putting in most of the effort and time and as such it is only right that you get the bigger chunk of the money raised. After all, you need it.

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