5 Signs A Vehicle Owner Should See A Professional In Auto Repair In Broken Arrow

by | Jan 12, 2017 | Automotive Industry

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Most people depend on their vehicles for everything. They need it to get to work, get their children to school, and to get to the store to buy what they need. Because a person’s car is so important, the owner should be able to recognize the signs early on that they need to take their vehicle to someone who specializes in Auto Repair Broken Arrow.

Flashing Check Engine Light

One of the most obvious signs that a car should be checked out by a professional in Auto Repair Broken Arrow is when the check engine light flashes. In some cases, the light will go on for no reason, in others, it means that the owner needs to have their car repaired. This light often means that there is an emissions system problem or damage to the catalytic converter. Either way, it should be looked at as soon as possible.

Smoke Under the Hood

If there is smoke under the hood of the vehicle, it means that it is too hot. If the owner continues to drive like this, it can destroy the engine. When this happens, the owner should pull over to let the engine cool and then call a mechanic as soon as possible.

Excessive Smoke From the Exhaust

If an owner finds that there is more smoke than usual coming from their exhaust, it can be a sign that there is a problem. When it starts to get cold, a bit more smoke is normal. If the smoke is excessive, it could mean that there is an oil leak. This is especially possible if the owner notices a burning smell. In order to protect the engine, the owner should have the vehicle looked at immediately by a professional.

Bucking or Trouble Switching Gears

If the vehicle owner is driving and the car starts to buck, they should contact a mechanic. The same is true if the vehicle doesn’t switch gears the way they should. These are signs of a transmission problem, which should be repaired immediately.

Noisy Brakes

If a person is driving and they hear a squeaking or grinding sound when they hit the brakes, they should see a mechanic right away. Brake problems are a very serious safety hazard.

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