Benefits Of Cremation In Scranton PA

by | Jan 3, 2017 | Cremation

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When a person passes away, their loved ones would need to make certain arrangements if the deceased did not do so before they died. One of the decisions they need to make is between a burial and cremation. Of the two options, cremation in Scranton PA has more benefits.

Less Expensive

If a person is buried, their family would need to pay for a casket, which can cost thousands of dollars. They would also need to pay for a burial plot in the cemetery and a headstone or a grave marker. This can be very expensive. If a person is cremated, their loved ones would only need to pay for an urn to hold their loved one’s remains.

More Options

When a person chooses to have their loved one buried, the person’s body would be placed in a casket and buried in the cemetery. If the individual has their loved one cremated, they have more options. They can have the ashes buried in the cemetery with a headstone or a grave marker. They can also keep the ashes in an urn in their home. Some people choose to spread the ashes in a place that was special to their loved one. Finally, there are companies today that will make necklaces and other items out of the ashes so the person can always keep their loved one with them. Cremation offers many more options.

No Need to Wait To Hold the Memorial Service

If a person decides to go with cremation in Scranton PA, their loved one’s body can be cremated as soon as the death certificate is signed. This makes it possible to hold the memorial service quickly. If the individual decides to have their loved one buried, the body would first need to be embalmed, which can take time. The embalming process can delay the memorial service by several days.

Losing a loved one can be very difficult. What can be more difficult is making important final arrangements while mourning. If a person needs to choose between having their loved one buried or cremated after they pass, cremation has more benefits.

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