Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants in DC?

by | Nov 28, 2016 | Dentistry

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Most people with missing teeth are embarrassed and may not smile as often as they once did. Those that struggle with proper dental care tend to avoid showing their teeth. Fortunately, a missing tooth can easily be replaced with a dental implant if the patient is a good candidate for the procedure. The following information can help you decide whether implants are right for you.

A Healthy Mouth

It is important to have good oral habits and a healthy mouth if you want to have dental implants in DC. Signs of gum diseases like periodontal disease can disqualify patients from getting implants, especially if there has been deterioration of the jawbone. If the bone density has been compromised, it can be difficult to insert implants, since they may not stay in place.

Good Physical Health

Along with your oral health, your dentist will also consider your overall physical health when presenting you with options to replace missing teeth. Some particular diseases, such as osteoporosis or a history of cancer, render a person ineligible for dental implants. Because of the fact that the structural integrity of your jaw is the most important qualification for implants, certain diseases pose too many issues for the procedure to be a success. However, if you’ve never had radiation of the neck or head, if you’ve never had an oral disease, and if you don’t smoke, you are probably a good candidate for Washington DC dental implants.

Maintain Good Habits

Even though dental implants look like natural teeth, they’re not quite as strong. If you have a habit of eating ice, nuts, chewing hard candy, or if you grind your teeth at night, the implants will be susceptible to breakage and cracking. However, if you’re willing to give up some of those habits and be treated for teeth grinding, implants may be a good option for you.

Your dentist will give you various options to replace missing teeth, but dental implants can be a good choice for people who want a more natural alternative.

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