Are Dental Implants in Annapolis the Right Option?

by | Nov 17, 2016 | Dentist

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Dental Implants in Annapolis are quickly becoming a preferred solution for missing teeth. Implants are a stable, solid solution that look, feel, and perform like a person’s natural teeth. While there are a number of other restorative options for treating missing teeth, none are as effective, durable, or long-lasting as implants.

There are a number of reasons that tooth loss occurs, but in most cases, Dental Implants in Annapolis are going to be the best option. The tooth’s root is replaced by a titanium post and then the dentist places a crown (which is the artificial tooth) on the post. It will not move or wobble when installed properly.

While this is a smart and viable option for most people, not everyone is going to qualify for dental implants. As a result, many people who have missing teeth wonder if implants are the best option for their particular situation.

The ideal candidate for the placement of a dental implant is someone who has overall good general health. They also need adequate bone in the jaw to help and support the implant. The very best candidates are going to have a healthy supply of gum tissue that is completely free of signs of periodontal disease.

If someone smokes, has lost bone density, or has unhealthy gums, steps may have to be taken to resolve these issues prior to having a dental implant placed. In most cases, the individual will need to stop smoking, have bone replaced in the jaw, and have treatment for their unhealthy gums. These are all services that a general dentist can provide to ensure the implant treatment is going to be successful.

If a person has missing teeth, they should begin to talk to their dentist about the option of dental implants. These are a long-lasting option that typically never have to be replaced. This means that a person can enjoy a lifetime of beautiful, healthy looking teeth and no one will be able to tell that implants are present. More information about implants can be found by contacting the helpful and friendly staff from Annapolis Dental Associates.

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